share. shine. succeed.



Hi, I’m Dr. Katja Rusanen, a Spiritual Counselor. My mission is to empower coaches, healers, and Lightworkers like you to gain freedom from the past and unlock your boundless potential, so you can fulfill your Soul’s mission.

Together, we will explore your spiritual curriculum, revealing how you can achieve greater freedom and inner peace. Experience the transformative power of viewing your life story from your Soul’s perspective, turning challenges into catalysts for growth.

Clarify your higher purpose—one that propels you to new heights and enables you to make a profound impact on the world.

Remember, your past does not define your future. It’s possible to leave the past behind and live your purpose.

It’s time to be the star of your life and the hero of your story!

Free Yourself
from the Prison of Your Past

And create the impact and income you desire!

If you’re here, it’s likely you feel a calling to help others navigate their own journeys. Yet, you might sense that something is holding you back, causing you to keep your own experiences hidden.

That something is your inner story. After facing adversity or trauma, this inner narrative often becomes limiting.

I can help you reframe that trauma by guiding you to understand your spiritual curriculum and view your journey from your Soul’s perspective.

The truth is: Your life experience can be the very thing that helps someone else.

Now is the time to free yourself from the past.


You have a BIG story…

…but it feels way too vulnerable to share. Or you’re having fears around speaking in public.

You want to create your story FAST…

…but you it feels like a daunting task. so that you can attract more clients and you want my personal support.

You desire to awaken your SUCCESS story…

…but you feel stuck on how to accelerate your business growth and make a bigger impact in the world. .


“In working with Katja I felt encouraged to open up more. My perspective shifted as I discovered the alignment with my story. I know now what to share and with whom to share it.”

Wioleta Kapusta

Wioleta Kapusta

Founder of American Dream Live

“I appreciate that you brought in many well researched elements related to crafting a story worth telling and claiming the power of my own story and learning to deliver it in a powerful way that can create a heartfelt connection with the people I am best positioned to serve through the services that I provide and facilitate.”

Sylvain Mailhot

Sylvain Mailhot

Proctor Gallagher Consultant

“After working with Katja, we established my unique story that attracts and connects with my ideal clients, as well as concrete steps on how to use it in my marketing.

Tea Lehikoinen

Tea Lehikoinen

Emotion Coach for Children & Youth

Are you struggling to manifest what you REALLY want?

Download my Manifest More guide and discover a 5-step journey to freedom to manifest what you want.

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