Even the ancient Romans said that “Noman Est Oman”, name is an omen! They were on to something…
As I spent the last couple of weeks in Finland visiting my family and friends, I recalled a story about how my parents had decided on my name. They wanted to give me an international name as they would have known that I want to travel the world. When I was born, my mom had a strong intuitive hit to add me a third first name on top of the two names they had planned for me. All my siblings had been given two first names but I got three…
I have heard so many naming stories from my clients when I have done their Soul Plan Readings. Sometimes parents just knew what to call their baby years before the baby arrived, sometimes the name was received in a dream, or they were inspired by a person they admired… Sometimes the intended name was changed when they saw the baby as the previous name just didn’t feel right anymore. There are also cases when the official name was changed by a “mistake”…
However you got your name, it started building your identity as soon as it was given to you by parents or early carers. You might have checked the meaning of your name (if you haven’t, it’s a fun thing to do) but I believe that there is more to it…
I believe that your birth name is kind of like a code that can unlock a deeper understanding of your life experience once decoded.
“Your name is the key to your soul.” – Benjamin Blech
Do you have a story about how you got your name?