Woo-hoo! September is here!
As much as I love summer, I do love September too because it’s my birthday month. And it brings a boost of fresh energy that encourages action after the slower pace of the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere.
Many feel refreshed after their summer breaks and ready to be more productive. At least, that’s how I feel after spending time in my homeland Finland.
When I was there, I spent a lot of time in nature as that is one of the most effective ways for me to recharge my batteries. Plus nature is a wonderful teacher for us.
When we think of the cycle in nature, autumn is the time to harvest. Hence it is a good time to consider how you are sharing your gifts in the world.
The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it.
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
How can you put that into practice?
Here are 3 simple steps to get started:
1. Identify your talents
2. Look for opportunities to use your talents
3. Be thankful for the talents and gifts you have
Start out where you are at and be willing to share your talents and gifts. You have them for a reason.
I’d be curious to know how you are using your talents or planning to use your talents. Leave a comment below and let me know.
P.S. I have something awesome coming on your way later this month. Want to have a sneak peek?
Click here. (https://nailyournextoffer.groovesell.com/a/ysfYTMzvS3i7)