As we are starting this year, we are starting a new chapter in the book of our lives. 


What’s the story you are planning to write this year?


Here are 3 secrets that can help you write an even better story this year:


1. Intention

As we start this year, you can choose what your intention is for this year. An intention can simply be a guiding word or phrase that is moving you toward what you want. An intention guides the course of your actions throughout every day. 


2. Visualize

Once you have your intention, it’s important to have a clear vision of what you want to create. This helps you to know what a successful outcome could look like. As Stephen Covey said: “Begin with the end in mind.” Let yourself dream without thinking of how you can make that happen. Once you know where you’re going, it’s much easier to make it happen. Visualize the very best for yourself. Write down your big vision and connect with it on a regular basis.

Note: If you come from a trauma background, you might find this challenging. At least I did. I would encourage you to get support so that you can begin to better visualize a positive future for yourself. I know it’s possible. Here’s an alternative way that can help. You can pick someone you admire and use them as inspiration. You can imagine what they would visualize for their future. That might spark some ideas for your own future too.  

3. Awareness 

As you visualize the very best for yourself, pay attention to what is happening within you. Observe your thoughts and feelings. Are they supporting you or working against you? Also, pay attention to what actions as well as non-actions you take when you start creating your success story. Awareness is the key.

Remember that your past does not need to equal your future. It is possible to turn old stumbling blocks into stepping stones. It is indeed possible to create your very own success story. 


It’s time to be the star of your life!

With Love & Light, 

P.S.  Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you create your success story:

1. Join the Lightworkers Who Succeed On Purpose Facebook Group and connect with coaches who are making a meaningful impact too

It’s our loving Facebook community where purpose-driven coaches and healers are inspired to raise our consciousness and accelerate our growth, on a personal and professional level so that we can succeed on purpose. — Click Here

2. Get your Inner Story Breakthrough  

If you feel that there’s something that’s been holding you back, something that you can’t put your finger on, my 2-hour Inner Story Breakthrough workshop will be very helpful for you and your business. You’ll discover how you can break through your biggest limiting inner story so that you can gain greater freedom to succeed. — More info here

3. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work with me to overcome challenging experiences, visibility fears and success blocks so that you can attract more clients and create the meaningful impact you desire… just send me a message with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your situation and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.