As the summer heat lingers in Southern Europe, my mind starts to shift to ‘back-to-school’ mode—a familiar August tradition from my homeland, Finland.
This period is a perfect time to reflect on our continuous journey of learning and growth.
Earth, in many ways, serves as a school—a place where our Souls are enrolled to gain profound human experiences and learn essential lessons. Each of us, knowingly or not, is on a lifelong course of self-discovery and development.
One recent milestone on this growth journey was receiving a certificate of Honorable Mention from Hay House, which fills me with gratitude and happiness. The certificate states, “Hay House Publishing is pleased to present this award to Dr. Katja Rusanen in recognition of outstanding work on a proposal submitted to the Authorpreneur Membership competition for the book ‘Your Spiritual Curriculum.'”
As a non-native English writer who has wrestled with significant self-doubt, this recognition has profoundly expanded my views on what’s possible. Each step in preparing my proposal pushed me to go beyond what I believed was possible, challenging me to articulate profound spiritual insights in a second language. I chose to focus on my dream.
Now, as I continue refining my proposal for the upcoming contest submission, I invite you to send Light and good vibes my way. ✨
Maya Angelou once said, “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” This quote beautifully echoes my own experience, reminding us that growth often requires us to let go of our limiting stories and embrace the transformations we undergo.
I encourage you to reflect on the limitations you have set for yourself—or that others might have set for you. With awareness comes the choice to do something about it.
Yesterday, I heard spiritual teacher Matt Kahn ask a question that I want to pass on to you: What’s the bravest thing you could do that you have been putting off?
Whether it’s learning a new skill, sharing your wisdom, overcoming a fear, or changing a habitual thought pattern, you might surprise yourself with what you can achieve.
Let’s explore and expand what is possible for us!
Dream. Believe. Achieve.