Hope you are smoothly navigating through the current events and energies. If you haven’t been feeling the best, just know that you are not alone.
I’m usually flying quite high energetically but this week felt heavy, very heavy. So much so that I have needed to take some time off and rest.
Luckily, the new moon brought forward new energies that have started to create a shift within me. Generally, new moons are a time to start fresh and plant seeds. There’s no shame in taking it easy sometimes, I have reminded myself and now you too.
In times like this, the world needs Lightworkers to take care of themselves so that they can take care of others. And it’s incredibly important to clear YOUR energy and keep your channels open so that you can do your best work. (Just in case, you need support, click here to get a free energy clearing guide).
“Every moment we do something, we can set it up to be for us – every moment. When I am clearing myself, I say, “Every time I clear myself I become healthier and happier.” That’s a good affirmation. Sometimes I say, “I’ll be more relaxed by clearing myself.” I start to become more relaxed before I even start to clear. That’s the mental power of our intention.” – John-Roger
So let’s keep setting powerful intentions to support us to keep going so that we can succeed on purpose.