Welcome to your year!

Welcome to your year!

I hope you’re embracing the fresh good vibes of this day…  Today we start writing a new chapter in our book of life. Each day gives us an opportunity for learning, growth and upliftment. Last year was very challenging for many. Yet you’ve had some wins, learned...
Curious thing about the Season of Giving

Curious thing about the Season of Giving

The season of giving is here! This is traditionally the time to think about what we could give to our loved ones, how we could give back to our communities, and how we could support charities that are close to our hearts. For many of us giving is easy. It gives us...
About fear

About fear

Have you ever noticed how quickly fear can creep in? I got an awesome opportunity to observe this recently. My friend booked a horse riding “bootcamp” with a teacher and I decided to join her. I’d categorize myself as a “Sunday-rider” who likes going for...
About what can create connection

About what can create connection

Ever been stuck with one person in a meeting room, an elevator, or even at a dinner table and could not find a connection? Most of us have. Next time, rather than feel the awkward moments slowly passing by, you can just tell a story. Test it out! Because everybody...
It takes courage…

It takes courage…

September is here! When I woke up this morning, I could feel the autumn. The temperature had dropped and I wondered where did the summer go… Yet, I am choosing to look forward. During the pandemic, I have noticed that it does take extra courage to stay optimistic and...