by Katja | 09/01/2022 | Uncategorized
Today is the start of a new month but not just any month. It’s my birthday month! I started my celebration early… Because yesterday I reached an important milestone. I boldly claimed that the FIRST draft of my practical treatise is done. This is a huge step forward...
by Katja | 08/01/2022 | Uncategorized
Even the ancient Romans said that “Noman Est Oman”, name is an omen! They were on to something… As I spent the last couple of weeks in Finland visiting my family and friends, I recalled a story about how my parents had decided on my name. They wanted to give me an...
by Katja | 07/01/2022 | Uncategorized
Hope you are smoothly navigating through the current events and energies. If you haven’t been feeling the best, just know that you are not alone. I’m usually flying quite high energetically but this week felt heavy, very heavy. So much so that I have needed to take...
by Katja | 06/01/2022 | Uncategorized
When I started writing this message for you, I felt called to pull Denise Linn’s Native Spirit card for inspiration for all of us. I received a “Thunder Drum” card. It has a powerful message that says: “Drawing this card means that it is time to step into your...
by Katja | 05/01/2022 | Uncategorized
This might surprise you, but… I do not believe that fear of sharing your story is a reason for you to keep hiding and say no to your Soul’s calling to bring a spark of hope for others and create a meaningful impact. If it’s a true calling, you know is meant for you to...
by Katja | 04/01/2022 | Uncategorized
Just like that, April is here. I’m often curious about the origin of the names and found out that there are a few common theories behind April’s naming. One theory is that the name is rooted in the Latin Aprilis that could be derived from the Greek Aphrodite –...
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